Retrieving Config
Your application would often have a dynamic behaviour that you would like to externally. This can be a config you store in S3, or in a simple case, stored as an environment variable.
Retrieving configuration from S3
Retrieving a JSON configuration is can be done easily in Laconia with the
package. You don't have to worry about hitting the S3
bucket and JSON parsing it:
* Lambda Environment variables:
* - LACONIA_CONFIG_MY_CONFIG: s3:mybucket/dir/config.json
const config = require("@laconia/config");
const laconia = require("@laconia/core");
// By convention, the name of the variable `myConfig` is derived by
// the environment variable name `LACONIA_CONFIG_MY_CONFIG`
const app = async (input, { myConfig }) => {
console.log(myConfig); // Parsed JSON from S3 printed to the console
exports.handler = laconia(app).register(config.envVarInstances());
Retrieving boolean from environment variable
Sometimes developers forget that the value they're retrieving from an environment variable is actually a string, leading to wrong equality check. Laconia provides a simple conversion to make sure that the type injected is of boolean type.
* Lambda Environment variables:
const config = require("@laconia/config");
const laconia = require("@laconia/core");
// false will be injected
const app = async (input, { myFeatureToggle }) => {
/* logic */
exports.handler = laconia(app).register(config.envVarInstances());